IEF Grants


  • Any grant applications sent in before January 2025 will be considered at our first meeting of the year on Thursday, January 9th, 2025.


IEF funding is independent of the CSD (Community School District) budget, although school administration approval is required for all public-school projects we support. IEF seeks to promote innovative experiments that may promote new teaching methods, focus on underserved groups, or encourage team efforts to launch new programs not included in the annual school budget.

Terms of Award

  • The grantee must work through a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public organization.
  • Grants may only be used for the purpose stated in the award letter.
  • Unexpended grants must be returned.
  • IEF eagerly funds creative, innovative programs leading to worthy learning experiences.
  • A final report and evaluation of the project are required.
  • A grant application must be submitted by the first Thursday of the month (September—June) in order to be considered at the the next monthly board meeting.
  • Grants will not be funded retroactively

Components of the Island Education Foundation include the Reach Auditorium Fund, the Dewey Wood Scholarship Fund, and the Garland Scholarship Fund, each of which are dedicated funds.

IEF Grant Applications are available for download here, from the school offices, or may be requested by e-mail,

Applications may be submitted by email or mail; submitting by email is preferred. 

Click here for the complete list of IEF Grants distributed in 2015-2016.

IEF Grants 2015-2016